Connection oriented and connectionless service

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1).In connectionless communication there is no need to establish connection between source (sender) and destination (receiver). But in connection-oriented communication connection must established before data transfer.

2).Connection-oriented communication is more reliable then connectionless communication.
3).In conection-oriented system a HANDSHAKING process is used i.e the process tsarts from the sender computer by sending a request to start the transfer that is to be acknowledged by the destination device before the data can be send. while in CONNECTIONLESS system no handshaking process is used. if one computer wants to send data,it just sends the data packet to the end system.
4).In conection-oriented system communication between the sendr & receiver continues untill th etransmission has been verified.thus it requires higher overhead & places greater demand on bandwidth. while the CONNECTIONLESS system requires less overhead & bandwidth.
5).There is guranteed delivery of data in CONECTION-ORIENTSD system.any packet that is not received by the destination is resend by the sending device.there is no confirmation that the data has been received,thus there is no resending of data in CONNECTIONLESS SYSTEM.thus transmission is not guranteed.
6).eg of connectio-oriented protocol is-TCP\IP & eg of connectionless protocol is-UDP.

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Connection oriented and connectionless service Connection oriented and connectionless service Reviewed by Unknown on 2:58:00 AM Rating: 5