71 Food Rising grow system donation requests approved: 179 more donations still available to schools, churches and community centers
(Ehow Share) I'm thrilled to report we have received and approved donation requests of the Food Rising grow systems for 71 schools, home schools, churches and community organizations! (www.FoodRising.org)
Because our goal is to raise enough funds to donate 250 of these systems, an opportunity still exists right now for up to 179 more schools to request these donations.
Donation requests can be made by following the instructions at this page.
This project is being conducted by the non-profit Consumer Wellness Center, where I serve as the executive director in a non-paid position. Click here to confirm the CWC's active public charity status with the IRS.
If you'd like to help support this project, click here for the donation page.
Next week we'll be releasing photos of these grow systems!
Organic Lifestyle Magazine (www.OrganicLifestyleMagazine.com), a publisher of health-related news and practical advice columns, has sponsored 15 grow systems.
LuvByNature (www.LuvByNature.com), manufacturers of the pristine, hormone-free, low-temperature "Grazing Goat Whey Protein" that's a customer favorite at the Natural News Store, has sponsored 10 grow systems.
And new this week, the owner of these websites has pledged 8% of online sales through March 15th, 2015: www.AquaGarden.com www.GreenHome123.com www.FastFurnishings.com
Shipping of these grow systems begins the first week in March, and schools will receive the complete grow system, 3D printed parts, plant nutrients and almost everything they need to get the system up and running. All they need to add is sunlight, seeds and water!
This is a change to help children in your local area:
• Experience the joy of growing their own food
• Learn food self-reliance skills
• Learn principles of seed sprouting and seed saving
• Learn about the revolution of 3D printing / additive manufacturing
• Share the knowledge of home food production
Learn more at www.FoodRising.org
Because our goal is to raise enough funds to donate 250 of these systems, an opportunity still exists right now for up to 179 more schools to request these donations.
Donation requests can be made by following the instructions at this page.
This project is being conducted by the non-profit Consumer Wellness Center, where I serve as the executive director in a non-paid position. Click here to confirm the CWC's active public charity status with the IRS.
If you'd like to help support this project, click here for the donation page.
Next week we'll be releasing photos of these grow systems!
Companies support the donation effort
Living Fuel (www.LivingFuel.com) has already pledged funding to support 100 grow systems. Boku Superfood (www.BokuSuperfood.com) has pledged 20% of its online sales through the end of February, 2015.Organic Lifestyle Magazine (www.OrganicLifestyleMagazine.com), a publisher of health-related news and practical advice columns, has sponsored 15 grow systems.
LuvByNature (www.LuvByNature.com), manufacturers of the pristine, hormone-free, low-temperature "Grazing Goat Whey Protein" that's a customer favorite at the Natural News Store, has sponsored 10 grow systems.
And new this week, the owner of these websites has pledged 8% of online sales through March 15th, 2015: www.AquaGarden.com www.GreenHome123.com www.FastFurnishings.com
Now is the time to urge your local school to request a donation
We currently have funding for over 170 grow systems, yet we only have 71 donation requests so far. This is a great opportunity to contact your local elementary school, middle school or high school and make them aware of this generous donation program.Shipping of these grow systems begins the first week in March, and schools will receive the complete grow system, 3D printed parts, plant nutrients and almost everything they need to get the system up and running. All they need to add is sunlight, seeds and water!
This is a change to help children in your local area:
• Experience the joy of growing their own food
• Learn food self-reliance skills
• Learn principles of seed sprouting and seed saving
• Learn about the revolution of 3D printing / additive manufacturing
• Share the knowledge of home food production
Learn more at www.FoodRising.org
71 Food Rising grow system donation requests approved: 179 more donations still available to schools, churches and community centers
Reviewed by Unknown
12:47:00 AM

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